Small Fry Get Big Fish

It's hard to keep your stars when your focus is on the team.

And that's why Genuity Capital Markets has been able to recruit a lot of top talent from CIBC World Markets including top trader Johnny Esteireiro and Davey Morrison who ran the sales team.

Why would the stars leave a good team?

Money. But also because, at a huge firm, no one person can make a big splash.

Whereas, at a small employee-owned firm, every deal will be important and appreciated.

Genuity's founders came from CIBC - including David Kassie who left abruptly early last year. Now CIBC is suing these raiders for violating non-solicitation agreements. Let's see what happens.

via The Globe & Mail

See Also: CIBC Recruiting Scandal -- David Kassie, Kingpin -- David Kassie's Dream -- Dan Daviau -- Earl Rotman -- Kassie Defiant -- Phil Evershed -- Hirst, Morrison, Eggertson -- Marie Cordero -- Bad 4 Recruiters -- Sweet Marie -- The Kassie Cult -- Kassie Honoured -- Hunkin's Millions -- Poison Berry -- Kassie Family Hunted

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