Fire them up or they'll drag you down

Managers should be measured by their ability to energize employees. Because, unless emps feel praised, developed and valued they're not going to work very hard.

Most managers focus on employee weaknesses and try to fix the unfixable. That destroys motivation. You grow by developing your strengths.

A manager needs to:
1 discover an employee's 3 strongest skills
2 help her build on what she already does well
3 put her in the right job

1 Review performance formally once a quarter
2 Focus on future performance instead of past
3 Make sure she knows where she fits into the company
4 Make sure she knows what's expected of her
5 Ask: What can we do to develop your strengths?

When BusinessPundit initiated this discussion it led to a lot of complaints about bad service in retail stores. Which leads to the question: how can these rules be applied in that setting, where the job is quite limited, the pay is quite limited, and the possibilities of career progression are too.

Perhaps the key would be to make your emps feel praised and valued even if there was not much you could offer in the way of salary or personal development. But not necessarily.

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