Finkel's Success Tips For Headhunters - Part 2

I'm on a Finkel kick.

1. Fill out your daily planner.

A good guy who plans beats a great one who doesn't.
All top producers plan.

2. Five Calls before 9:30

Surveys show: most business sales are made before noon.

3. Develop a Call Addiction

After 5 calls, give yourself a reward. No calls, no reward.
(A reward is a coffee or whatever works. I like the latter).

4. Five new business prospecting calls every day.

5. Thirty business discussions per day.

6. An Interview a Day

A first phone contact between candidate and client counts.

8. Careers are made after hours

Three days a week: read a chapter in a biz book, critique your calls or watch part of a biz video.

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