
A Wisconsin man has been fired from his job for fraternizing with the enemy. The crime? Drinking a Budweiser or more specifically being photographed drinking a Budweiser. Why is that a fireable offense? Well at the time he was working at rival brewery Miller .

Isac_aquero"This is what happens when you drink a great beer," former C.J.W. employee Isac Aguero (seen at right in the photo that supposedly led to his dismissal) said.

Sounds like a ringing endorsement for Budweiser. So is Isac going to be working at Bud any time soon??

"I was actually thinking I was going to go apply at Anheuser-Busch," Aguero said.

Thinking about it? Your resume should be there already. And not just in HR I would be talking to their advertising firm. I mean if Bud doesn't turn this into a major pr campaign they are really really really stupid.

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