Buy Low, Sell High

I have often wondered if as part of a fee for a client I should ask for things other than cash. I would love to do a search for CFM Majestic who makes those super Vermont Castings barbecues and get one of their deluxe models as part of the fee.

Also I have always thought it would be good to get stock options from a start-up firm. I think that firms have done this before and of course it does present some risk.

Heidrick and Struggles however have hit the jack pot.

Heidrick & Struggles International (HSII) has made a profit of $128.8 million from the sale of its 1.2 million shares of Google Inc (GOOG.NAS), purchased at a price of $0.30 per share less than a month ago.

The global executive search and consulting firm said in a statement released today that the company had exercised the warrants it held in Google Inc, and monetized the resulting shares, for net proceeds of $128.8 million. Heidrick & Struggles International had obtained the warrants, to purchase about 1.2 million shares of Google's class B common stock at a price of $0.30 per share, as part of its recruitment fees from the online search giant in 2001. The executive search firm sold its 1.2 million shares of Google Inc for an average price of $108.22 per share this week, excluding expenses.

So they bought 'em at thirty cents and sold them for 108.22? Now that is a hell of a fee.

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